The antihelminthıc effıcıency of N. meyer Benth. and N. cataria L. specıes that spread in the nakhchıvan autonomous republıc flora
Author(s): Ezize Huseynova and Saleh Maharramov
Abstract: The article deals with the antihelminthıc effıcıency of N. meyer Benth. and N. cataria L. species spreading in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic flora and growing widely in the areas of natural pastures and hayfields. İn the taxonomic spectrumthese plants are included into the Lamiaceae L. (=Lobioto Juss) family, Stachyoidae Briq. semi-family, Nepetae Benth. triba, Nepeta L. species. the both plants are essential oily. The main components of the essential oil compositions consist of nepetalacton. There have been used both the essential oil and aqueous extract as the anti-helminthic drug in the investigation. There have been got the high helminthosid efficiency in vitro and in vivo. The helminthocide efficiency of N. meyer Benth. essential oil was 78,6%, but N. cataria L. essential oil was 82,1%. This high helminthocide influence of essential oil is connected with being rich in nepetalakton isomers with bactericide composition. But anti-helminthic efficiency of aqueous extract of N. meyer Benth. and N. cataria L. respectively was 60,3% and 62,7%. So, the helminthocide drugs could be prepared by the essential oil and the aqueous extractof both plants and it is recommended to use them to cure helminthoses.
How to cite this article:
Ezize Huseynova, Saleh Maharramov. The antihelminthıc effıcıency of N. meyer Benth. and N. cataria L. specıes that spread in the nakhchıvan autonomous republıc flora. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2017;2(1):40-43.